Deliberate Digging: Utility Protection Program Best Practices

About the panel discussion
Educating excavators about safe digging laws and best practices, and dispatching knowledgeable representatives to oversee high-risk or high-consequence excavations, are two proven ways to reduce third-party damages to critical underground infrastructure. In celebration of 811 Day, veteran damage prevention experts came together to share their best practices for engaging with professional excavators to stop damages before they happen.
Some of the topics the panel address includes:
- How excavator education efforts have changed throughout the years
- How to determine the riskiest excavations to best allocate resources
- How to build and nurture positive relationships with professional excavators
- Lessons learned from unsuccessful education or intervention efforts
Meet the speakers

Nick Bonstell
Emergency Manager, SEMCO Energy

Ian Jones
Damage Prevention Supervisor, Baltimore Gas & Electric

David Smith
Damage Prevention Superintendent, Ameren

Meghan Wade
President and CEO, Georgia 811

Bradley Roulo (Moderator)
Director of Utility Operations, Urbint